Wednesday, August 29, 2012

giving buzz to unreal candy.

I   am a  bzz agent on bzz  and got to try unreal candy. I got my mail yesterday and what do I find. My wonderful chance to try the unreal candy. Head to the store pick up the Red wrapper one. I can't wait to get home so I just stay parked and try it in the parking lot. My teen daugther is with me so I tell her how it is a better candy bar it has no corn syrup,artificials or hygrogenated oil. I try a bit and so does my daugther. I think is is a wonderful altarnative to regular candy bars. If this is better to eat I'm on board. My teen daugther tells me ( as shes eatting it) Its chewy with a creaming end. It really melts in your mouth mom. she prefer it over snickers. I think we are hooked.

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